< Master index Index for ACA-Code >

Index for ACA-Code

Matlab files in this directory:

 ComputeBeatHistocomputes a simple beat histogram
 ComputeChordscomputes the chords of the input audio (super simple variant)
 ComputeFeaturecomputes a feature from the audio data
 ComputeFingerprintcomputes a fingerprint of the audio data (only the subfingerprint, one
 ComputeKeycomputes the key of the input audio (super simple variant)
 ComputeMelSpectrogramcomputes a mel spectrogram from the audio data
 ComputeNoveltyFunctioncomputes the novelty function for onset detection
 ComputePitchcomputes the fundamental frequency of the (monophonic) audio
 ComputeSpectrogramcomputes a mel spectrogram from the audio data
 FeatureSpectralCentroidcomputes the spectral centroid from the (squared) magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralCrestFactorcomputes the spectral crest from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralDecreasecomputes the spectral decrease from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralFlatnesscomputes the spectral flatness from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralFluxcomputes the spectral flux from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralKurtosiscomputes the spectral kurtosis from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralMfccscomputes the MFCCs from the magnitude spectrum (see Slaney)
 FeatureSpectralPitchChromacomputes the pitch chroma from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralRolloffcomputes the spectral rolloff from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralSkewnesscomputes the spectral skewness from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralSlopecomputes the spectral slope from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralSpreadcomputes the spectral spread from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureSpectralTonalPowerRatiocomputes the tonal power ratio from the magnitude spectrum
 FeatureTimeAcfCoeffcomputes the ACF coefficients of a time domain signal
 FeatureTimeMaxAcfcomputes the ACF maxima of a time domain signal
 FeatureTimePeakEnvelopecomputes two peak envelope measures for a time domain signal
 FeatureTimeRmscomputes the RMS of a time domain signal
 FeatureTimeStdcomputes the standard deviation of a time domain signal
 FeatureTimeZeroCrossingRatecomputes the zero crossing rate from a time domain signal
 NoveltyFluxcomputes the novelty measure per Spectral Flux
 NoveltyHainsworthcomputes the novelty measure used by Hainsworth
 NoveltyLarochecomputes the novelty measure used by laroche
 PitchSpectralAcfcomputes the maximum of the spectral autocorrelation function
 PitchSpectralHpscomputes the maximum of the Harmonic Product Spectrum
 PitchTimeAcfcomputes the lag of the autocorrelation function
 PitchTimeAmdfcomputes the lag of the average magnitude difference function
 PitchTimeAuditorycomputes the f_0 via a simple "auditory" approach
 PitchTimeZeroCrossingscomputes f_0 through zero crossing distances
 ToolBlockAudioblocks audio signal into overlapping blocks
 ToolDownmixdownmixes audio signal
 ToolFreq2Barkconverts frequency to bark
 ToolFreq2Melconverts frequency to mel
 ToolFreq2Midiconverts frequency to MIDI pitch
 ToolGammatoneFbcomputes a gammatone filterbank
 ToolGmmgaussian mixture model
 ToolInstFreqget phase
 ToolLooCrossValLeave One Out Cross Validation with Nearest Neighbor Classifier
 ToolMel2Freqconverts frequency to mel
 ToolMfccFb> see function mfcc.m from Slaneys Auditory Toolbox
 ToolMidi2Freqconverts MIDI pitch to frequency
 ToolNormalizeAudionormalizes audio signal
 ToolPcaprincipal component analysis
 ToolSeqFeatureSelcomputes Sequential Forward Feature Selection wrapping a nearest neighbor
 ToolSimpleDtwcomputes path through a distance matrix with simple Dynamic Time
 ToolSimpleKmeansperforms kmeans clustering
 ToolSimpleKnnperforms knn classification
 ToolSimpleNmfcomputes nmf (implementation inspired by
 ToolViterbicomputes path through a probability matrix with Viterbi

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