Home > ACA-Code > ComputeBeatHisto.m



computes a simple beat histogram


function [T, Bpm] = ComputeBeatHisto (x, f_s, cMethod, afWindow, iBlockLength, iHopLength)


computes a simple beat histogram
> supported computation methods are:
>  'Corr',
>  'FFT',
> @param x: time domain sample data, dimension channels X samples
> @param f_s: sample rate of audio data
> @param cMethod: method of beat histogram computation (default: 'FFT')
> @param afWindow: FFT window of length iBlockLength (default: hann), can be [] empty
> @param iBlockLength: internal block length (default: 4096 samples)
> @param iHopLength: internal hop length (default: 512 samples)
> @retval T: Beat histogram
> @retval Bpm: tempo axis


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %computes a simple beat histogram
0002 %>
0003 %> supported computation methods are:
0004 %>  'Corr',
0005 %>  'FFT',
0006 %>
0007 %> @param x: time domain sample data, dimension channels X samples
0008 %> @param f_s: sample rate of audio data
0009 %> @param cMethod: method of beat histogram computation (default: 'FFT')
0010 %> @param afWindow: FFT window of length iBlockLength (default: hann), can be [] empty
0011 %> @param iBlockLength: internal block length (default: 4096 samples)
0012 %> @param iHopLength: internal hop length (default: 512 samples)
0013 %>
0014 %> @retval T: Beat histogram
0015 %> @retval Bpm: tempo axis
0016 % ======================================================================
0017 function [T, Bpm] = ComputeBeatHisto (x, f_s, cMethod, afWindow, iBlockLength, iHopLength)
0019     % set default parameters if necessary
0020     if (nargin < 6)
0021         iHopLength = 8;
0022     end
0023     if (nargin < 5)
0024         iBlockLength = 1024;
0025     end
0026     if (nargin < 4 || isempty(afWindow))
0027         afWindow = hann(iBlockLength, 'periodic');
0028     end
0029     if (nargin < 3)
0030         cMethod = 'FFT';
0031     end
0032     % compute FFT window function
0033     if (length(afWindow) ~= iBlockLength)
0034         error('window length mismatch');
0035     end        
0037     % pre-processing: down-mixing
0038     x = ToolDownmix(x);
0040     % novelty function
0041     [d, t, G_T, peaks] = ComputeNoveltyFunction (  'Flux', ...
0042                                             x, ...
0043                                             f_s, ...
0044                                             afWindow, ...
0045                                             iBlockLength, ...
0046                                             iHopLength);
0048     if strcmp(cMethod, 'Corr')
0049         % compute autocorrelation
0050         r_dd  = xcorr(d, 'coeff');
0051         r_dd  = r_dd((ceil((length(r_dd) / 2)) + 1):end);
0053         Bpm = fliplr(60 ./ t(2:end));
0054         T = fliplr (r_dd);
0055     else %if method == 'FFT'
0056         iLength = 65536;
0057         f_s = f_s / iHopLength;
0058         if length(d)< 2 * iLength
0059             d = [d zeros(1, 2 * iLength - length(d))];
0060         end
0061         [D, f, tf] = ComputeSpectrogram(d, ...
0062                                         f_s, ...
0063                                         [hann(iLength); zeros(iLength,1)], ...
0064                                         2*iLength, ...
0065                                         iLength/4);
0067         % adjust output BPM range
0068         T       = mean(abs(D), 2);
0069         Bpm     = f * 60;
0070         lIdx    = max(find(Bpm < 30));
0071         hIdx    = min(find(Bpm > 200));
0072         T       = T(lIdx:hIdx);
0073         Bpm     = Bpm(lIdx:hIdx);
0074     end
0075 end

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